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Re: \ within markdown email

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I have the following forumla

Email address: " & Email & " blah blah blah.

If ends up looking correct in the forumlas field

However when I grab that field and use it in an automation, it adds a \ to the start of the email. I feel like this is a tricky markdown thing, but can’t figure out how to ignore it. In truth I am actually happy for the email to not show up as a link.


Any ideas?

4 Replies 4

I don’t understand your “formula”. This is actually what you’ve put inside the Message field in the Automation setup, right? I don’t understand what the ampersands are supposed to do. It’s NOT a formula, actually, so you don’t need to use ampersands, etc.

Here’s what I did as a test.



Which when triggered sends an email to me that looks like this:

I got rid of the ampersands. I used the + button in the Message field to insert an email address.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I have a formula field that collates together information from my base into Markdown so I can push it, via an automation, into an email scheduler. So the formula looks like:
"Hello " & {First Name} & “,

” &“This is an email reminder to check that your details in our membership database are correct. If you see anything below, which you believe is incorrect, please reply to this email.

” & "Member name: " & {Name} & "
Mobile Phone: " & {Phone} & "
Email address: " & Email…

The problem is, when the email address is spat out at the other end, it looks like the output above:
Email: \

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Nobody? Noooooobody can help me?!

It may be that people feel there isn’t enough data to explain what you are seeing.

  • Have you tried re-testing your trigger?
  • Can you share screen shots of the data with actual values (not redacted) for grid view values (with column headings), automation configuration, and automation result?
  • Can you share the actual formula formatted as code </>?

Somehow that stray character is being added. However, without seeing the entire data chain, and knowing that it is “fresh”, it is hard to diagnose.