I tried to search the community before posting and found this question (with no solution) several times, but the posts I found were pretty old so I just wanted to double check to make sure this was still impossible using Airtable alone.
I'd like to use the Date Dependency features to help with automatically shifting task and displaying in a Gantt chart. However, many of the tasks span less then one day. For example:
Task 1: Purchase Paint - Start 6/12/2024 - End 6/12/2024
Task 2: Paint Wall - Start 6/12/2024 - End 6/12/2024
I can't paint the wall until I purchase the paint, so I want to setup a dependency. But it doesn't take an entire day to purchase paint. When I setup Date Dependencies, the only option I have for creating a duration field is at the "day" level and setting dependencies means my tasks on the same day can't overlap.
Am I missing something? Is there a workaround? Or is this still an issue?