
Re: Form or easy way to edit database proeprties

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Hi, new to airtable. I have several databases related to various types of inventories. I just want a simple interface to be able to select, for instance, a product. Then have the database properites for that product presented so I can edit them. For instance, adjust quanties. 

From the little bit of googling I have done it doesn't seem possible with airtable's built in tools. 3rd party tool implentations seems like a house of cards. I have tried this in Notion and it quickly becomes too complicated to be reliable. 

Are there any other ideas out there? Thanks 

2 Replies 2
6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hmm, if you're looking for an interface, perhaps try Interfaces😋

Haha, this is exactly what the interfaces tab is for, you can granularly set what fields are displayed and which are editable in an interface. If a spreadsheet style view is still good, the list interface gives you a bit more UX control than the standard table does, otherwise record review is one I use quite often. If you really want to build your own, starting from blank gives you an interesting balance of freedom with how data is displayed.

If they're external users you could try (  They're a form service that integrates directly with Airtable and lets you edit records