
Re: Prefill a form with data from another table

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Hello all,

I am new on airtable but i did my homeworks before coming here to share my with the community…

I am trying to prefill a form in a table (table 2) with data from an other table (table 1 = “DATA table” which is filled with some data previously given via tchatbot conversation and functions which process some data into new results).

Here is my formula below (which is now in a formula column in my first table DATA where all my data is automaticaly collected from the tchatbot):

“prefill_Date=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Date} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_N°%20de%20pr%C3%A9devis=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({N° de prédevis} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_codepostal=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({codepostal} & “”) & “&” &“prefill_codepostal=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({codepostal} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_Adresse%20du%20chantier=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT(“A renseigner à votre convenance ici…”) & “&” &
“prefill_typedetravauxtexte=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Typedetravauxtexte} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_typedelogementtexte=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Typedelogementtexte} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_Dateded%C3%A9but=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Datededébut} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_D%C3%A9lai=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Délai} & “”)
and i have a checkbox which i would like to prefill as “checked”

For the moment, only the Date and the text in “Adresseduchantier” are prefilled correctly.

  • Date is prefilled with the date => OK
  • “Nom du client” is single line text
  • “codepostal” is single line text
  • “numéroduprédevis” is autonumber in the first table (table 1) and is link record in the second table (table 2) (the one with the form)
  • adresse du chantier => is prefilled with text => OK
  • typedetravauxtexte is a formula (transfering the answer of the bot (“1” “2” “3” or “4”) to text like “1”= “renovation” for example
  • Same as above for typedelogementtexte (formula)
  • Datededébut is a date format
  • Délai is single line text

Then I have a second form in a third table (table 3) which looks similar, so i put a second formula in table 1 (hope i can prefill multiple form from one DATA table?):
“prefill_N°%20de%20pr%C3%A9devis=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({N° de prédevis} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_codepostal=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({codepostal} & “”) & “&” &“prefill_codepostal=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({codepostal} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_Adresse%20du%20chantier=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT(“Elle vous sera communiquée ultérieurement”) & “&” &
“prefill_typedetravauxtexte=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Typedetravauxtexte} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_typedelogementtexte=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Typedelogementtexte} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_Dateded%C3%A9but=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Datededébut} & “”) & “&” &
“prefill_D%C3%A9lai=” & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Délai} & “”)
and i have a checkbox which i would like to prefill as “checked”

Hope this is clear enough. I thought my prefill formulas were right but seems like i missed something…

Thank you in advance for yours answers.

Best regards,

Anthony urenov

3 Replies 3

Welcome to the Airtable community!

It looks like the forum is garbling the text of your formula.
Can you please try reposting your formula and enclose it between lines with triple backtics (`) like this:

Put your formula between triple backtics.


Can you include screen shots of both your source fields in the data table and the fields in your form table? Maybe there is something in the data, field types, or the field names that is causing the problems.

When you look at the url that the formula produces can you see the proper values in the url, even if the form isn’t prefilled correctly?


Also, check out @kuovonne’s app, which lets you easily create prefill form links:

I think that the original poster is already using the app.