
Re: Syncing various bases to one with selected criteria

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

We are working with different clients on different Airtable bases. Also internally not everyone is working on every base. We do not want to change this (and include all client data in one base) also for security reasons.

But for Management I am trying to do a Base/View/Interface where the Management Team can access e.g. all upcoming campaigns for all clients, without clicking through multiple bases or tabs. Meaning this base should be feeding from all existing client bases. Being able to make changes in this base is not prio 1 (but would be a nice to have though). 

All bases would have the same setup/columns based on the same template

If I would sync all client bases to e new tab within my "management view base", would Interfaces allow me to show everything at one glance?

Is this possible and if so, how would I do it? 

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

Nope, multi-source syncing is all you need

Two way syncing is only available on the Enterprise plan

See Solution in Thread

3 Replies 3

Yeap, this should be pretty easy since they're all the same template.  The multi-source syncing guide should have all the information you need to set this up

Being able to make changes is less simple, but if you're on the Enterprise plan you'll have access to two way syncs which should do this handily

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Thanks, that's great.

I have access to the Pro Plan, which also offers the  multi-source syncing you suggested.
(or is there another function I would need for my case that is only available within the Enterprise plan)

Nope, multi-source syncing is all you need

Two way syncing is only available on the Enterprise plan