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Re: Timezone problem

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Time zones are difficult to handle within AirTable. Here is an example that gives me a headache. I have a table (let's call this table Calendar) in which there is, among other things, a Date Field associated with an event occurring at a Location. Strangely (in my opinion), I cannot set the time zone in the Date Field in question.

In another table (let's call it Locations), I have the list of Locations in question. I also have a Cumulative Field that aggregates all the event dates related to this Location in my Calendar table. However, in this Cumulative Field, I can choose the Time Zone. Naturally, I choose the time zone in which we work.

The result is that the event dates in these two tables are in different time zones. The Locations table operates in the EDT time zone while the Calendar table operates in the GMT time zone.

How can I make my CALENDER table work in EDT? 

3 Replies 3

I assume you need those date fields set to specific time zones so that you can trigger automations and such at the appropriate times?  I usually end up working around this issue by creating a formula field that outputs the date time in the time zone I need and using that in my automation instead

Hopefully someone else has a better idea!

I suppose I could simply ignore time zones in all tables, which I believe might work as long as I am dealing with local productions. I don't really like the idea of entering dates and times in AirTable's time zone (GMT) and constantly calculating the time difference in my head to accommodate the platform.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

There is a concept used in Todoist that I like a lot: floating time zone. Too bad there is no similar concept used in AirTable.

Still struggling with it in AirTable. Realized this week-end that some shared calender I sent to colleagues in not in the good time zone. With so many projects, tables and views...