
Re: Virtual Auction

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I have an existing simple database that holds items collected to be used in a in person silent and live auction for a non profit fundraiser. As with everything else the fundraiser was canceled due to covid-19.
We have numerous items in the database and I was thinking about a virtual auction.
How and what do I need to do to add the ability for people to link to the database to look at and bid in the items as well as capturing the bidder information for payment?
Can this be done?
The database consists of multiple tables and Blocks.

Any ideas?

Jay Stuart

6 Replies 6

@Jay_Stuart, Sorry to hear about your situation. I too experienced similar situations where projects were put on hold due to COVID. Ironically, one of the projects had to do with developing a system to help employees work remotely.

Are you doing a virtual silent auction or a virtual regular auction?

I would create a filtered/grouped view and share it on your website. From there, I would create a form that they could submit back into that base.

Depending on if it’s a silent auction or regular auction would depict how I would setup my filtered/group view.

Does that help at all?

Hi Nathalie
Yes sort of.
The database has multiple tables. Art, wines & spirits, children, Home, Women,Men’s, Jewelry etc.
Each table has corresponding items including item number, description, Donor, retail value, photo.
Each item also has a page block that shows all the info and a item entry form.
I would like to have bidders go to a link and view each table through the page block or similar form with a bid entry for an item.
I guess similar to eBay.



There’s no way to link or view the designer page unless you invite them to the base which doesn’t seem feasible.

Would displaying your products in a Kanban or Gallery view work? If so, those would have links that are shareable with the general public.

Hi Nathalie

I think a Gallery view would work and share it from our Kiwanis Club website.
I played around with it but Im not sure how someone can bid on an item?
Do I add another form for that or am I not seeing something?

I am a rank amateur at this although I have a little background. Most is trial and error.


Think of it as two steps.

1 - create an avenue for them to view the available products using a private link
2 - create a form to receive a bid

On your website, you will display the details that you want them to see and then from there, you will have a CTA (call to action) button that will link back in via the form so that they can submit their bid.

NOTE: Be EXTREMELY careful on the view that you will be sharing on the website. Filter, group, hide anything that you don’t want anyone to share.

That is my biggest concern is the link into the club website and any issues there.
I wonder if we just uploaded the item information into an existing photo area and have an email link to offer a set price with no bidding.
