Hello! I have two tables "Event" and "Speaker". An Event can have multiple speakers, and a Speaker can belong to many Events. This is configured by a linked record column on both tables.
I am currently querying 20 Events at a time, and though the response give's me the Speaker's linked primary record_id (~15 of them), it does not give me the full Speaker object.
After some digging I see I can use the `filterByFormula` as part of the Speaker query, but the method I came across seems very cumbersome (chaining together multiple `SEARCH()` queries using `AND()` Link )
Is there a way which I can pass an array of Speaker record_id's that return the full records of the requested Speakers? Similar to a SQL `IN` statement:
Better yet, is there a way to return a response that includes both the Event and it's associated Speakers? This would be ideal as Rate Limiting would be less of a concern.