Hi Everyone, I’m pleased to present Airtable.jl
, a wrapper of the API for the julia programming language.
It’s a pretty simple little package, but it’s my first time working in any depth with a WebAPI, so I’m pretty pleased to have it working as well as it does. Currently, it has support for get
, post
, patch
and delete
methods, and a special function query
that is basically get
, but handles pagination in the response.
Please take a look at the docs, and feel free to open issues if you run into any problems!
Here’s an example of what you can do, using this dummy table:
julia> using Airtable
julia> cred = Airtable.Credential() # Pulls from environmental variable "AIRTABLE_KEY"
julia> abase = AirBase("appphImnhJO8AXmmo")
Airtable Base 'appphImnhJO8AXmmo'
julia> tab = AirTable("Table 1", abase)
AirTable("Table 1")
julia> records = Airtable.query(tab)
3-element Vector{AirRecord}:
AirRecord("recMc1HOSIxQPJyyc", AirTable("Table 1"), (Name = "Record 1", Notes = "Keep this\n", Status = "Todo", Keep = true, CI = "N/A"))
AirRecord("recMwT4P4tKlSLJoH", AirTable("Table 1"), (Name = "Record 2", Notes = "Also keep this", Status = "In progress", Keep = true, CI = "N/A"))
AirRecord("recSStgr3yJnQc2Wg", AirTable("Table 1"), (Name = "Record 3", Status = "Done", Keep = true, CI = "N/A"))
julia> Airtable.query(tab; filterByFormula="{Status}='Todo'")
1-element Vector{AirRecord}:
AirRecord("recMc1HOSIxQPJyyc", AirTable("Table 1"), (Name = "Record 1", Notes = "Keep this\n", Status = "Todo", Keep = true, CI = "N/A"))
julia> resp = Airtable.post!(tab, (; Name = "Some record", Status="Todo"))
AirRecord("recktAILkVMB7huKl", AirTable("Table 1"), (Name = "Some record", Status = "Todo"))
julia> Airtable.query(tab; filterByFormula="{Status}='Todo'")
2-element Vector{AirRecord}:
AirRecord("recMc1HOSIxQPJyyc", AirTable("Table 1"), (Name = "Record 1", Notes = "Keep this\n", Status = "Todo", Keep = true, CI = "N/A"))
AirRecord("recktAILkVMB7huKl", AirTable("Table 1"), (Name = "Some record", Status = "Todo"))
julia> Airtable.patch!(resp, (; Status = "In progress"))
AirRecord("recktAILkVMB7huKl", AirTable("Table 1"), (Name = "Some record", Status = "In progress"))
julia> Airtable.delete!(resp)
JSON3.Object{Base.CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Vector{UInt64}} with 2 entries:
:deleted => true
:id => "recktAILkVMB7huKl"