Mar 05, 2016 06:57 PM
Is there a way to use the filterByFormula URL parameter to retrieve rows based on the value of a link column? I can look up text and numeric values, but it looks like link columns are an array. I’ve tried:
and nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mar 28, 2016 10:01 AM
Oh - what’s the syntax for grabbing multiple text values? I also have a column with linked records but I’m wondering if I can just flatten that table to get around this.
Mar 28, 2016 10:28 AM
I figured out a way to do both multiple text values (my previous question) AND also grab linked records.
Multiple text values:
Linked Records (assuming string values in linked table)
filterByFormula: ‘(FIND(“apples”,fruit))> 0’
I couldn’t get multiple strings to work in there, so I combined multiple FINDs into one AND but that doesn’t seem to scale nicely:
filterByFormula: ‘AND((FIND(“apples”,fruit))> 0,(FIND(“bananas”,fruit))> 0)’
Apr 17, 2016 03:34 AM
Hi Danny_Alvarez,
In the filterByFormula
filterByFormula: ‘(FIND(“apples”,fruit))> 0’
What actually is fruit, is it a field name, a word in a record, or what exactly does it not need to be within quotation marks as Docs describe
FIND(stringToFind, whereToSearch[startFromPosition])
Finds an occurrence of stringToFind in whereToSearch string starting from an optional startFromPosition.
FIND(“fox”, “quick brown fox”)
=> 13
Thank you.