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Re: Issue Linking Tables

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hi All

I am having issues with linking information between tables.

I have the below linked:

1) Master Order Table 

2) Order Line Items

I wanted to create a new table called Purchase Orders (POs) which is just relevant purchase order information (excluding any sell price etc from the master order) so i can send the PO to my suppliers.

The issue i am having is that the information on the POs table is not linking with the Master Order or the Order Line Items tables as per attachments. 

Please help me with solving this.

Thank you!

9 Replies 9

How are you attempting to create the link between the Master Order and the Purchase Order records currently?

I set up the first field in the PO record as "link to master order" but nothing pulls through when an order is created. 

It works for the line items though.

Could it be something to do with the Interface?




6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

So the link is working but its just not automatically populating. 

So my questions is...How do i make the linked records automatically populate in the fields of the PO table?




re: Could it be something to do with the Interface?

Probably!  It's likely you've selected the Master Order record somewhere in your Interface, and so any Line Item records that are created are automatically tied to the Master Order

re: So my questions is...How do i make the linked records automatically populate in the fields of the PO table?

So you want every Line Item record linked to a Master Record be linked to that Master Record's PO record?  If you could provide example screenshots of what you want the outcome to be that'd be very useful!

Yes correct.

1) Create Master Order record (customer, supplier etc)





2) Create Line Items with buy and sell price


From here I want to create an automation and interface to send my Purchase Order with company logo to send onto my Supplier and a Sales Confirmation with company logo to send onto my customers.

Currently I am having to manually find the information as per below:



Interesting!  If I were you I'd try creating an automation that would trigger whenever a new "Master Order" record is created, and its action would be to create a "Purchase Order" record and link the two together.  You can then add a lookup field to display the Line Items for that Master Order

These links would give you enough data create another automation that would send out the PO as, once that link is made, you can use a "Find Record" action to look for the Line Items tied to the linked "Master Order" record so that you could insert it as a Grid in an email, for example

Hey Adam, thanks. 

I cant seem to figure out what Im doing wrong to create the automation for the Purchase Order details to pull automatically through from the 'Master Order' and 'Line Items'...  error as below



6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator



Hmm, without seeing how your base is set up it's difficult to help

If you could provide a read-only invite link to a duplicated copy of your base with some example data I could take a look at this for you!