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Re: Technical questions about Airtable

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hi all - my IT team has some technical questions about Airtable that I don't know the answers to (or even really understand!). Can anyone shed light on any of the following questions?

  1. Is there AD integration for employee users?
  2. Is there 2-Factor Authentication for all users?
  3. Is the data backed up? For how long?
  4. Are the backups encrypted?
  5. Is all the technology patched and current?
  6. Is the vendor solution patched on a scheduled basis?
  7. Are critical patches applied as soon as their identified, both to the solution and to related technology?
  8. Is storage provided, and how much?
  9. Is it a Cloud/Saas solution (non on-premise-managed by vendor)?
  10. What other security measures are taken?
  11. Please provide details on the SOS verification.

Thank you,

Kelsey Deusterman

1 Reply 1

I can't answer most of your questions (I'm just another Airtable user), but I can answer some.

2-Factor Authentication is available for all plans and all users. In order to require 2FA, I believe you need to have single-sign-on, which is only available on business and enterprise scale plans.

The storage provided depends on the plan you have. You can see the attachment space allowed in the pricing page.

Airtable is a SaaS solution. There is no on-premise version of Airtable.

You may be interested in seeing the subprocessors that Airtable uses.

It sounds like security is a major concern of yours. The Enterprise Scale plan has an array of security features that are listed on the pricing page.