
Triggering "Send Record" from a Block

Topic Labels: Custom Extensions
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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hi there, is there any way to trigger the “Send Record” functionality from a Block?

I see there’s a POST to with a stringifiedObjectParams that I could derive within my Block.

Is there a friendly function to call from the UI to make this, say, on the view object? Anything to note here about calling these types of functions from blocks in general?

3 Replies 3
Airtable Employee
Airtable Employee

Hi Shaun,

There is no way to trigger that from a block. The emailRows endpoint you mentioned is a private API endpoint and is not available for public use. However, custom blocks can make GET/POST requests to external APIs in general.

We don’t have any current plans to add “Send Record” functionality in the custom blocks SDK, but I’d be interested in hearing more about your use case.


6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hey Emma,

Happy to help clarify - simply put, correctly spinning up a 3rd party service to notify users of things in their base introduces a decent amount of questions, risks, and extra effort (a la Sendgrid). Being able to email / notify users about their base is something I’d love to keep within Airtable to keep things secure and seamless. I imagine this could be a notifications API or something similar.

Hope that helps!

Hi Shaun,

Thanks for providing that context! Will note down your feature request.
