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Re: Button in AT doesn't work

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7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Hi everyone!

I created a base for employees in our company with the table where are all information about every employee. I also created a form to update those information if necessary. I prefill all the fields and create a button field so that i can quickly open the form. But somehow that button doesn't work with some of the employee. they were added after I created this button. I attached some photos for you so that you can see what I'm talking about.

Does anyone know what is the problem here?

4 Replies 4

If I were you I'd double check that all the fields required for the URL generation are filled in.  If they are, I'd then start deleting prefills to try to identify the specific field that's causing the issue


Buttons dim in Airtable when the URL isn’t a valid URL.

If you want to create a valid URL for prefilling forms in Airtable, I would highly recommend using @kuovonne’s Prefilled Forms Extension, which will help you create the exact formula that you will need to prefill your form.

However, the much easier, much quicker, and much simpler way to prefill forms is by using Fillout’s advanced forms for Airtable. Fillout makes it much easier to prefill forms.

Even better, if you want your users to update Airtable records directly from a form, Fillout doesn’t require any complicated prefill URL formulas at all. Fillout gives you one simple & short formula that enables your users to update Airtable records directly from. Form… no prefilling necessary.

Hope this helps!

— ScottWorld, Expert Airtable Consultant

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An Airtable native way to solve the problem similar to how @ScottWorld  mentioned is to use an interface.  In the interface set the permissions to only show the record that matches the users email.  Then let the users update any fields you want them to be able to update by making the fields editable.  This requires no prefilled forms or customer URLs or button.

@Dan_Montoya brings up the best point of all! Since your users are internal employees, you don’t need to use a form at all.