Feb 12, 2022 08:43 AM
Hey Everyone:
I have a table that links items to form submissions.
I already have a link to see each item and all the form submissions that include that item.
I also have a lookup that looks up the dates of the form submissions in the link to forms.
I want to take that lookup and run a formula to count all the form submissions from today’s date.
Any ideas?
Feb 12, 2022 12:16 PM
I solved this by creating an IF-formula in the table you’re looking up from, saying IF(DateField=TODAY(),1)
Then, rather than using a lookup-field I’d use a rollup-field (rolling up on the DateField) with a COUNTA(values)
-formula and setting conditions to only include records where the new ‘If Today’-field = 1.
Edit: Realizing you can make this even easier by skipping the ‘If Today’-field and then just setting the conditions in the rollup-field to Where ‘DateField’ is ‘today’.
Feb 12, 2022 03:21 PM
Thanks you for the help