Sep 14, 2022 11:45 PM
I have a table that has among other fields , OWNER, DATE OF MEETING, DISCOUNT. It has several different owners who I have met at different dates and given different discounts.
I want to create a view that will show me only the OWNER and the last DISCOUNT I gave them at the most recent DATE OF MEETING. Nothing else.
I have tried to create a column with formula MAX(DATE). Didn’t work. I also tried to group the records by owner then apply a Max, but I may have done it wrong because it did not work either. A
Any assistance with a solution would be greatly appreciated.
Sep 15, 2022 01:16 AM
Hey @Tendi_Muchenje, I’ve set something up here that should do what you’re looking for. It needs OWNER to be its own table so that we can use rollups to get the most recent date to feed it back into the original table though
Creation steps:
table, create a rollup field on the Date
value from Table 1
with the formula MAX(values)
Table 1
, create a lookup field to pull over the most recent entry date from the Owners
value against the most recent date pulled in via step 3Sep 15, 2022 03:10 AM
Welcome to the community, @Tendi_Muchenje!
I show how to do this in this episode of the BuiltOnAir podcast: