
Re: How do I make a comma separated string list of numbers into array that is summable

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Visually it displays the exact same as if I use a lookup field, but trying to sum it just returns 0 :confused:


12 Replies 12

Change your lookup field to a rollup field and use the formula: SUM(values)

I can’t specify which chunk of the values to use with rollup though right? My ultimate goal is to have a running total that increases with the month increasing. Here’s my current formula:

SUBSTITUTE(REGEX_EXTRACT(ARRAYJOIN(a, ","), "(?:,?[\d\.]+){0," & ({extracted month number} + 1) & "}.*?"), ",", ", ")

Regex shown here

Rollups are based on linked records in another table, which are linked through a linked record field. So, as long as your records are in your linked record field, then you can use the rollup field to access them.

Rollup fields also have the extra ability to let you conditionally filter which linked records to use based on a certain hardcoded value that you manually hardcode in. (No dynamic values are allowed, unfortunately.)

You can learn more about linked record fields & rollup fields here:

Yes, I’m aware of that fact. I just don’t see how I can automatically link only X amount of records using automations. What I’m doing now is linking all records to one record in a different table where I do a lookup, then I do a lookup of the lookup and regex that to a certain point to as an example only get the first 6 entries of the lookup at the record for the 6th month.


Ergo, send in the “special teams” scripting feature to score the goal.

I don’t want to use automations though, as I would very quickly reach my quota that way

Scripts don’t have to run in automations.

Yeah, but my users don’t want to press a button each time they want to see the latest stats

Indeed, the double edge of automated workflows.

To create high-value data visualizations and analytics, you need to plan and such planning should include some degree of resource assessment. In your particular case, I would have planned the data architecture such that none of this would be a factor.

While your users want a clean pathway to the latest data, you are faced with crafting a comma-separated list of numbers to achieve that. I would ask -

How could I design this system such that I would never need to create a comma-separated list of numbers?

If you rule out automation and manual steps, it leaves you only one out; design it in a way that neither of these unfavorable approaches is required.