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May 16, 2022 10:50 AM
Im trying to figure out how to make the insurance deduction for my drivers automatic but only once a week when I run their payroll settlement.
May 16, 2022 03:10 PM
Yes i do - and the roll up is what im trying to figure out how to set up
May 17, 2022 03:27 AM
Ok thanks. Is it possible to do it on different days as I pay my guys at different times?
May 18, 2022 07:04 AM
Yes. You’d need to nest your if statements. Remember that an if looks like IF(A is true, Do This, Otherwise do that). Your ‘Do This’, and your ‘Otherwise do that’ can be additional IF statements. So, you build the IF needed to test for your employee and the IF needed to test the day/show a payout.
Combine those, and then each of those can be nested (added) to the 3rd position of the next IF group.
So a general structure looks like this:
IF( Employee A, Payout A),
IF( Employee B, Payout B),
If( Employee C, Payout C)
And you’ll end up with something like this:
IF( {employee} = 'Joe', IF(DATETIME_FORMAT(TODAY(), 'dddd') = 'Thursday',{Total Load}-{Total Load}*{Deduction amount}), IF( {employee} = 'John', IF(DATETIME_FORMAT(TODAY(), 'dddd') = 'Friday',{Total Load}-{Total Load}*{Deduction amount}), IF( {employee} = 'Jacob', IF(DATETIME_FORMAT(TODAY(), 'dddd') = 'Wednesday',{Total Load}-{Total Load}*{Deduction amount}))))
May 21, 2022 07:07 AM
So my deduction is a set amount for each driver per weekly settlement - (example - bobs insurance is $250 per week then his settlement would be say $1000 minus the $250 = $750.00) the deduction is weekly out of the drivers total settlement.