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Re: Show and update a formula within a form?

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

I’m setting up a custom ordering form for a family business, where the options that a customer picks will determine some end results like total price, total items, and/or fulfillment time estimates.

I’m wondering if there is a way to show a formula field within a form to accomplish this.

As a very basic example I might have:

  • 3 number fields
  • 1 formula field that sums the 3 number fields
  • A form that allows users to fill in the 3 number fields

I would like for the customer to be able to see the total (formula sum-ing the three number fields) in real-time as they fill out the form, just as I would if I was creating a new record and filling it in inside of the grid view in Airtable.

Is this possible or is there another way to accomplish this?

1 Reply 1
10 - Mercury
10 - Mercury

This can't be achieved using Airtable form. But it can be done with external tools. If you want to create a purchase order form, you can use miniExtensions. It supports showing computed fields on the form (like rollups for total price). Here's how the option looks:

Screenshot 2023-05-15 at 12.01.25 AM.png