Jan 29, 2025 04:56 AM
We have an interface where we display charts from a base. However, I am wondering if there's a possibility to adjust the data incoming from the base before it gets displayed.
For example, there's a field that we need to reformat in a specific way before it gets picked up by the charts.
Jan 30, 2025 06:17 AM
Hmm could you provide an example of this? May I know what issues you faced using a formula field to format the data and using said formula field in the chart?
Jan 31, 2025 04:00 AM
It's not the formula field that I'm having an issue with.
There is a field where values follow this pattern: <role> <space> <seniority level>. Since interfaces consume data from a base using this pattern, the charts may appear cluttered and visually unappealing.
I want to reformat the data before the interface picks it up—for example, by removing the <seniority level>.
The only solution I’ve found is to create another base.
After conducting some research, I discovered that customization within the interface does not exist.
Jan 31, 2025 04:35 AM
Hmm, yeah I was thinking you could format the data with a formula field, and so with reference to your example you could remove the seniority level like so:
I don't think I understand what you're trying to do though. Any chance you could provide some screenshots?