
Fractions in Dashboard

Topic Labels: Interface Designer
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I'm trying to display fractions and percents based on a cap/denominator of my choosing. Ex. x / 54.

The goal is to help the team know at a glance/status report that we are either at cap or below and by how much exactly. The same need is also needed in that if we're below by 3 for example, maybe 1 is in transition and only 2 is truly missing.

I fiddled with columns and formulas a little bit and found a way for a column to display a fraction by having a autocount row and a formula row returning a concat of the {autocount} +"/54" for x/54 but I cannot display that on a dashboard. Also learned formulas can't count records in the table, hence autocount as a workaround.

If anyone has thoughts on how to show fractions that would be great. OR display a count of "54" or "20000" without it ruining the table as a last resort, so that I can display a regular count as one field, and that "fake/determined" count as another field next to it.

Edit: Also found out after more fiddling, autocount does not update after a record gets deleted so that method doesn't work either. 


1 Reply 1

Hmm, this depends a lot on how your data's set up and how your reporting looks.  For example, here's how you could do it if you wanted the % of tasks that wasn't "Done"

Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 10.05.14 AM.png

And it works with a formula field that outputs the word "Pending" if the Status isn't "Done":

Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 10.05.34 AM.png

With a element setup of either "Percent empty" or "Percent filled"

Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 10.06.07 AM.png

Link to base

If you could provide some screenshots of your table set up and details on how your reporting works I can see what I can do to help!