
Re: Interface comment section not loading

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer


Does anybody know why the comment section in Airtable interface is not loading/ working properly? This has been happening in multiple bases since a couple of weeks and I'm wondering if there is a fix for this bug. 



3 Replies 3
5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

We have this same problem -- just a spinning ball -- it's been happening for months.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I'm having the same problem, so it's very inconvenient.
comment area errors occur frequently..
When I copied the base and ran it again, it worked normally, but after 4 days, it's the same again.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

This thread was started in January and here I am in October. I created a brand new Airtable account intending to use it for project management, but the fact that comments on tasks don't work is a dealbreaker? Why is this still broken? Not just in the interface view, but in data view, too. I added two comments to a task. Spinning circle, comments won't load/show.

Screenshots to show that I'm viewing a task with two comments in the interface and data views of Airtable and getting just a spinning circle where the comments should be.

EDIT: Ok, I kept messing with settings and I set user filter elements to "none" and now the comments are showing. I'm not sure the two things are actually connected, but I'm pretty sure that's the only thing I changed in my interface page view?

EDIT 2: Never mind, that was a short-lived celebration. They're back to not loading.