Hello ! I’m :fr: and totally new there and with this extraordinary tool.
I wanna use airtable for a social media calendar. A database where I can write FB, IG and LK posts, plan on a calendar and reports the results.
I have 2 tables :
1) “contenu/posts” where I write the post, update status and decide which day we will post it

2)“évènements” (events in french) where I add differents events as christmas, mother day, mondial days…

I would love to see the events that I added in the table “evenements” in the calendar view of the table “contenu/posts” like that

Do you know a way to do that simply ? thanks in advance for your help :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:
I tried to combine both but this makes a huge data base with a lot of fields (some for the events and others for posts and a lot of blank cells).