May 13, 2020 10:53 AM
I’m creating weekly schedule notice for volunteers. Would like to list out the day(s) the volunteer is signed up in a reminder email.
E.g. "We have you on the schedule this week for;
If (Monday) print “Monday” (pseudo code)
If (Tuesday) print “Tuesday”
I have a view with this week’s volunteers names, email address, and checkbox columns for Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday.
Is supported in SendGrid block?
Is there an example someone could point me to for this?
I’m new. All helpful feedback welcome.
May 13, 2020 11:00 AM
Hi @Don_Hanson,
Welcome to Airtable Community! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:
I would do this by having a field where you type the text message using a formula that includes the IF statements. I haven’t used the SendGrid block though, Im using Twilio and Zapier to do the same.
May 15, 2020 05:54 AM
Hi Don,
There are SO many ways to do this :). If you already have a view with volunteers names, email address, and checkbox columns for Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday. The easiest thing I think would be to create a formula field that returns the days of the week that each person works, for instance a field named Working that has the following formula structure:
Concatenate(If({mon},“You are working Monday”,“You are NOT working Monday”), if{{tues},“You are working Tuesday”, “You are not working Tuesday”),…)
Then you add {working} into your email!
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May 15, 2020 08:52 AM
Hi Aron,
Thank you much!