May 28, 2019 03:06 PM
I have one field that is proprietary, and only half of my team is legally allowed to view that content. How do I set up Air Table to allow half of my collaborators to see this field and half of them to not see the field?
I was thinking I would set up two bases, and flow half of the info from base 1 into base 2, but that doesn’t seem possible.
The idea of hiding the field isn’t useful because my team would just “unhide” the field. I have explored using the link, however the collaborators that would be using the link also need to make entries in my table.
Any and all solutions are welcome…
May 28, 2019 06:39 PM
Regarding the collaborators who shouldn’t see this confidential info: do they need to edit existing data, or are they only adding new records? If it’s the latter, you could only give them a form link that lets them add new data, keeping the full table access limited to others.
May 29, 2019 06:38 AM
They would be adding check marks to indicate their row/task is complete
May 29, 2019 08:46 AM
Airtable doesn’t currently have that level of granularity when it comes to security - essentially anyone with access to a base gets access to all the data within it.
Please contact me at to discuss if you need more help.