
Re: Copying bunch of records over to Google Sheets

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I’m trying to figure out the best way to move records created and stored in Airtable over to Google Sheets for nicely-formatted printing. I looked at Zapier but as far as I can tell, the only triggers available for Airtable are “new record” triggers so they pick up just 1 record.

Is there any way to do this other than exporting the records from Airtable to CSV, and then importing them into Sheets?


p.s. My question is in the same ballpark as this poster’s question but he hasn’t gotten an answer yet that helps me and in any case he’s asking about updating records and all I want to do is copy them from Airtable to Sheets.

11 Replies 11

Hi @WilliamPorterTech

You could also do this using Integromat.

I was testing it and it worked. I managed to copy records from Airtable into GS worksheet.

You can select a manual option to select the row and column that you what your data placed into.

You will have to experiment with using a GS template. I did not have a chance to do that.

Hope it helps!

Mart Kay

Thanks @M_k. I have a (free) Integromat account and agree that it looks interesting. I managed a little while ago to create an Airtable-to-Google Sheets scenario that apparently didn’t fail any of the basic tests for “okay-ness”, that is, I was allowed to run it. It created a whole slew of new Google worksheets, but none of them had data in them; and it keep running forever as if there was an endless loop somewhere. Will throw myself at it again later. As I say, looks promising.
