Sorry that this question looks a little like a written math problem, but:
- We are tracking employee requested PTO via Airtable.
- When an employee uses their PTO, they can request to pull from a group of 5 temps to cover their shifts.
- We'd like for employees to be able to see a list of dates that still have temps available before they put in their PTO requests.
What I can seem to do is group by date of time off requested, and it shows me the total count for how many times a specific date has a request for a temp. (See below - 1 person requested a temp on 3/14, while 4 people requested a temp on 3/15.)
Or, I can have a calendar view, stripped of personal information, that shows how many requests have been made of a specific day. (See below.)
However, what I would like to do is have a formula like TempsAvail = 5 - SUM(RequestDateCount), and then have either a list or a calendar spit out that number. (Apologies for the ugly formula, I'm not sure how I would write this.)
Is it possible to have a calendar or list view that can show this information? Sort of like a calendar of automatically updating black-out dates for available temps? Thank you!