
Date field rounding up when "include time" is not selected

Topic Labels: Dates & Timezones
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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I have two date fields that sync from an Outlook calendar. Because most events on that calendar are full-day events, they have an end time of 11:59 PM. This is what it looks like with "include time" selected:


...and this is what it looks like toggled off.


I reviewed this similar question, where it turned out to be a time zone issue, but that doesn't apply here as the time zone settings aren't accessible if you don't show the time. I'd prefer to hide the times for the sake of tidiness/reducing visual clutter. Is there a way to fix the rounding issue without creating a separate formula field?

2 Replies 2

Weird. I tried replicating it here but it seems to work fine so I reckon there's something specific to your data

Screen Recording 2024-06-29 at 11.03.36 AM.gif

If you could provide a read-only invite link to a duplicated copy of your base with this issue I'd love to take a look at it.  Extra formula field sounds like it'd solve your problem the quickest though!

Interesting--I'm guessing it's tied to the fact that the data is imported from Outlook, since you weren't able to duplicate it with a regular date field. Thanks for trying!