
Re: Default View in a table

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Every time I open Airtable and go to my most-used table, the same Personal view always loads. I think it is the first grid I set up in the table and right now it’s my only Personal view. However, I would like to have a different view load as a default.

Per the suggestins in a previous closed thread (Change Default View), I tried moving the desired view to the top of the list, and also to quit Airtable on the desired view and reopen, but it still goes to the Personal view.

Is there a way to change this? I’d love to see an option in the view controls to set ia particulare view as the default for the table.

5 Replies 5

Welcome to the community, @Helen_Solorzano! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: If moving your desired view to the top of the view list didn’t make it become the default view when opening that table, then I suggest reaching out to Airtable support for their input. That method is the only one I know of for controlling the default view. Then again, it may have something to do with personal views, but I’ve never used those, so I can’t say for sure.

I just tested this on my end with personal views, and it still worked properly for me.

Airtable always defaults to the previous view that I was looking at within all of my tables, regardless of whether those views were personal views or not.

Similarly, Airtable always defaults to the previous table that I was looking at within all of my bases as well.

Airtable is very, very smart in these regards! :slightly_smiling_face:

I love how Airtable always remembers where we left off throughout the entire product line. :slightly_smiling_face:

So yes, @Helen_Solorzano, as @Justin_Barrett mentioned, this seems to be working as expected for me. So if it isn’t working for you, I would reach out to Airtable support.

Oh, to clarify my previous post:

The behavior in Airtable is to re-open your base to the previous table & view that you were most recently interacting with. It doesn’t go back to the very first table nor the very first view.

But you could submit that as a feature request in the #show-and-tell:product-suggestions category.

I played around with it a bit more – I think the problem was that I have been opening my browswer (Chrome) to a table inside the base.

If I log out completely on the desired view, and then log back in, it defaults to the desired view. Likewise, if I can also close the tab on the desired view, and then open to my logged-in homepage (not the specific base). When I click on the base, it goes to the desired view.

So the lesson is that I have to take that one extra step of going to my home page and then opening the base, not taking a shortcut directly to the table.

Thanks for your help!

Well, the link you’re using in your browser probably includes the view as part of the URL.

The link you’re using probably has this structure:

(The table_ID will always start with “tbl”, and the view_ID will always start with “viw”.)

So, if you want to bookmark a particular table, just use the first half of the URL:

(The table_ID will always start with “tbl”.)

Then, Airtable will take you to your specified table, but it will open up to the previous view that you were most recently looking at.

On the other hand, if you want to bookmark your ENTIRE BASE, and have Airtable automatically return you to BOTH the previous table AND the previous view that you were most recently looking at, then you can use the base’s URL (aka the app’s URL), which has this structure:

(The base_ID will always start with “app”.)

You can find your base ID by going to, and choosing your base. The next screen will show you what the ID of your base is.