Feb 07, 2019 08:37 AM
I have a table [Table 1] which has a list of all the items of clothing stock that we have.
I also have a table which is an events log [Table 2] of all the events that happen to those items of clothing (e.g. purchased, packed, posted, returned, etc) and a date when that event happened (created_at)
I would like to show the latest event (with the latest created_at date) for each item of clothing on [Table 1]. Essentially this is finding the max(created_at) date filtered by clothing item for Table 2 and then finding the clothing item in Table 1 and putting the event that aligns to the max(created_at) date and clothing item.
In Google Sheets I would use a MAXIFS function to find the latest created_at date for a specific item, and then use a VLOOKUP to find the matching event.
Reading other posts, I suspect this requires making a calculation sheet, but I’ve tried for a while and can’t work it out. Anyone have any thoughts?
Feb 07, 2019 12:01 PM
. Call it ‘Date Last Event’.IF({Date Last Event} = {Created At}, {Event Description})
. Now, just the Latest Event has a field with the Description. Call it ‘Last Event Description’. Repeat this for all fields you want to show in Table 1.Of course, change field names by your existing ones, and call the new fields as you want.
My Events table:
My Interactions table:
Feb 11, 2019 02:29 AM
That’s perfect - thanks so much for the help - exactly what I needed it to do!