I have a table [Table 1] which has a list of all the items of clothing stock that we have.
I also have a table which is an events log [Table 2] of all the events that happen to those items of clothing (e.g. purchased, packed, posted, returned, etc) and a date when that event happened (created_at)
I would like to show the latest event (with the latest created_at date) for each item of clothing on [Table 1]. Essentially this is finding the max(created_at) date filtered by clothing item for Table 2 and then finding the clothing item in Table 1 and putting the event that aligns to the max(created_at) date and clothing item.
In Google Sheets I would use a MAXIFS function to find the latest created_at date for a specific item, and then use a VLOOKUP to find the matching event.
Reading other posts, I suspect this requires making a calculation sheet, but I’ve tried for a while and can’t work it out. Anyone have any thoughts?