Jul 08, 2018 07:47 PM
I am working on a movie database. One of the things I would like to do is show the age of the actor at the time of each film. I currently have a lookup that pulls the film year to the actor from the film table, and the actor age on their table. The issue is some actors obviously have done films in multiple years.
Any thoughts of a way to get the age at each film?
Jul 08, 2018 08:29 PM
I’m not sure how your table is structured but it as long as you can get the movie’s {Date of Production} and the actor’s {Date of Birth} into the same table, the formula would be as follows:
DATETIME_DIFF({Date of Birth}, {Date of Production}, 'years')
If you only list the {Year of Production}, then formula would be as follows:
DATETIME_DIFF({Date of Birth}, DATETIME_PARSE({Year of Production},'YYYY'), 'years')
Jul 09, 2018 01:18 AM
You need a junction Table: https://support.airtable.com/hc/en-us/articles/218734758-A-beginner-s-guide-to-many-to-many-relation...