
Help Needed with QuickBooks Desktop Display Issues

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I'm encountering display issues with QuickBooks Desktop that are affecting my workflow. The problem includes blurry text and distorted graphics, making it difficult to navigate and use the software effectively.

Here are some details that might help:

  • QuickBooks Version: QuickBooks Desktop 2024
  • Operating System: Windows 11
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650

I've already tried adjusting my display settings and updating my graphics drivers, but the issue persists. Could you please provide guidance on how to resolve these display issues in QuickBooks Desktop?

1 Reply 1
4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi @Andrew42Morey 

I understand the frustration caused by blurry text and distorted graphics in QuickBooks Desktop. Since you've already adjusted display settings and updated your graphics drivers without success, here are additional steps to resolve these issues:

  1. Check QuickBooks Compatibility: Ensure that QuickBooks Desktop 2024 is fully compatible with Windows 11. Compatibility issues can sometimes cause display problems.

  2. Adjust DPI Settings: Right-click the QuickBooks Desktop icon, select Properties > Compatibility, and adjust the DPI settings. Experiment with different scaling options to see if it improves text clarity.

  3. Disable Display Scaling (Override High DPI Scaling): In the Compatibility tab, check "Override high DPI scaling behavior" and set it to "Application." This can sometimes alleviate blurry text and scaling issues.

  4. Update Windows and QuickBooks: Ensure both Windows 11 and QuickBooks Desktop 2024 are fully updated with the latest patches and updates. Compatibility and performance improvements are often included in updates.

  5. Graphics Card Settings: Access the NVIDIA Control Panel (right-click on the desktop) and adjust 3D settings or manage application settings specifically for QuickBooks Desktop. Ensure settings prioritize performance and compatibility.

  6. Check for Third-Party Software Interference: Sometimes, third-party software like antivirus or firewall programs can interfere with QuickBooks' display. Temporarily disable or adjust settings to see if it resolves the issue.

  7. Contact QuickBooks Support: If the issue persists after trying these steps, contact QuickBooks support. Provide them with your system details and steps you've already taken for a more targeted resolution.

These steps should help address the display issues you're experiencing in QuickBooks Desktop on your Windows 11 system with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 graphics. If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to QuickBooks support for personalized help.

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