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Feb 05, 2022 07:36 AM
I have the following code in a Google Scripts:
var data = {
"records": [
"fields": {
"Contract Address": "test",
"0x8df3aad3a84da6b69a4da8aec3ea40d9091b2ac4": "1234"
var options = {
"method" : "post",
"payload" : data
function tryAPost(){
var url = "";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
I get the following error:
Exception: Request failed for returned code 422. Truncated server response: {"error":{"type":"INVALID_REQUEST_UNKNOWN","message":"Invalid request: parameter validation failed. Check your request data."}} (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response)
The authorization and URL work for a get request, and the data payload works in the body of post request in Postman.
What am I doing wrong?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Feb 06, 2022 06:37 AM
This is a common Google Apps Script pattern I use. The payload
is a JSON object; serialization occurs within the function.
Note the use of constants for:
// post to airtable (universal)
function atPostTable_(baseKey, tableName, payload)
var options =
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + cMyAirtableAPIKey,
'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
payload : JSON.stringify(payload),
muteHttpExceptions : true,
followRedirects: true
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(cAirtableAPIEndpoint + baseKey + "/" + encodeURIComponent(tableName), options).getContentText();
Feb 05, 2022 10:49 AM
// Because payload is a JavaScript object, it is interpreted as
// as form data. (No need to specify contentType; it automatically
// defaults to either 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
// or 'multipart/form-data')
Since you’re passing a nested object and x-www-form-urlencode
d does not support nested data structures you need to use JSON.
Please check this thread here
Feb 05, 2022 03:45 PM
Thanks so much for responding! I don’t, however, understand. I thought my data variable was a JSON object. That structure of data works in Postman. Or, are you saying I have to restructure the headers?
Feb 06, 2022 12:19 AM
As I understand and according to the documentation if you don’t specify the contentType
it defaults to
or 'multipart/form-data'
That’s why you’re getting error 422. The server can’t read that.
If the structure of encoded data is guaranteed to be a flat list of name-value pairs, x-www-form-urlencoded seems sufficient. If the structure could be (arbitrarily) complex (e.g. nesting lists or associative arrays), then definitely use JSON.
Since the data object in your example is a nested JSON object you need to use 'contentType': 'application/json'
Feb 06, 2022 06:37 AM
This is a common Google Apps Script pattern I use. The payload
is a JSON object; serialization occurs within the function.
Note the use of constants for:
// post to airtable (universal)
function atPostTable_(baseKey, tableName, payload)
var options =
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + cMyAirtableAPIKey,
'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
payload : JSON.stringify(payload),
muteHttpExceptions : true,
followRedirects: true
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(cAirtableAPIEndpoint + baseKey + "/" + encodeURIComponent(tableName), options).getContentText();
Dec 02, 2022 02:36 PM
I have an odd situation. When I send one or two records, it sends from GAS to AirTable quickly. But if I try to send more than 5 records at the same time, it bogs down to a crawl. There seems to be some kind of exponential processing going on because even just doing 10 records simultaneously lasts for a long time 30+ minutes. How can I send more than one record at the same time without AirTable slowing down to a crawl?