Jul 29, 2020 07:03 AM
Is it possible to to assign gmail thread to Airtable record?
Thank you,
Jul 29, 2020 01:13 PM
Yes. Create a Google Apps Script process that reads the email thread IDs and upload them into Airtable using the API. If you want more than a relationship to the thread object, you can also grab the thread messages and concatenate them into a blob and upload that as well into a long text field.
Jul 30, 2020 12:13 PM
Thank you Bill, but unfortunately I do not know how to write a script. Maybe I could just copy thread url to airtable record…
Jul 30, 2020 12:14 PM
No worries - have you looked at code-free recipes from Integromat and Zapier that could upload email content into Airtable?
Jul 30, 2020 12:39 PM
I did not find recipe for upload email content into Airtable. Please share a link if you found any.
Thank you
Jul 30, 2020 12:54 PM
The home page of Integromat shows a recipe for moving all inbound message content and URLs into a Google sheet. There are numerous ways to create additional recipes to integrate from Google Sheets to Airtable.
Jul 30, 2020 01:14 PM
I have seen those examples, but that is not what I am looking for. Never mind, I will work my way around.
Thank you for your help!
Jul 30, 2020 02:37 PM
@Pjero_Kusijanovic You build your own scenarios with Integromat or Zapier. That’s what those platforms are for. They can’t create every example that might possibly exist. They are easy, quick, and code-free. You can very easily connect Gmail to Airtable using those platforms in a matter of minutes.
Jul 30, 2020 03:54 PM
Ok. I guess I have misunderstood what you were looking for.