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Re: @ Link to table?

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I’ve searched, but maybe am using the wrong terminology!

Is there a way, in a PLAIN TEXT or URL field, to @reference another table (in the same base).

Use case
I have tasks setup, and in each task I direct the user to the applicable table to action.

Thanks in advance,

2 Replies 2
10 - Mercury
10 - Mercury

Have you tried coping the url from the address bar of your browser (for the table you want the user to go to) and pasting it in to the URL field of your tasks table?

You can even direct them to a certain view. Each view has its own url. Does that help?

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Thanks @augmented - I use the Mac App so no address bar, then if I bring this in from the browser, when I click the link it opens a new tab, not in the app.

Any ideas?