Jul 12, 2020 09:51 PM
I use Zapier to post data and and PDF file attachments into Airtable records. This has been working fine for months.
Today I find that my PDF file attachments do not display previews in my expanded Airtable records - they appear as generic file icons - and the download icon/link is not visible - I can see only the ‘Rename’ and ‘Remove’ icons.
If I click on the attachment to get to full screen preview, the viewer loads with an error message: ‘Unable to view file, please try again later’.
Does anyone know what is going on?
Jul 13, 2020 10:21 AM
Getting the same issue with our attachments. Often .docx files?
Jul 15, 2020 07:59 AM
I am experiencing the same issue, I am not able to see the attachments or download them!!!
Jul 20, 2020 08:57 PM
I’m also experiencing this issue with photos and documents. Some of them fixed themselves but still have many that i cannon open.
Jul 25, 2020 12:32 PM
@Francisco_Prado @Richard_Foxworthy @Laura_Rojas_Aponte1 @David_Earley
Is this only occurring with new attachments, or are older ones doing the same thing? If it’s the latter case, I recommend contacting Airtable support to discuss the issue.
If it’s only with new attachments made after a certain date, could you share more about the process you’re using to attach things?