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Re: Pro Backup security?

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi all - I am looking to see if anyone has information on the safety of using Pro Backup as their main backup program for Airtable. Our company is needing a backup for our system and this seems to be the best one we've landed on, but we can't get a straight forward answer from Airtable on if they feel like it is a secure company to work with. If you or your team uses Pro Backup, I'd love to hear about your experience and if you feel like your data has stayed safe. If you don't have experience with Pro Backup but have another backup program/system you recommend, that would be helpful as well. Thank you!

2 Replies 2

I don't have any experience with Pro Backup, but my clients enjoy using On2Air: Backups.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hi @linds_kadmin , sorry for missing this reply before. If you have any questions left regarding the security of our app, I can refer you to these pages: 

Besides this I also recommend checking out G2 to see what our customers say:

Don't hesitate to send me a message if you have any further questions about this.