
Re: update linked record with fillout ?

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hello everyone,

I have a specific need that I can't seem to solve. Basically, my database includes training dates with multiple participants. At the end of the module, we ask the trainer to evaluate each participant on at least 5 criteria.

So, for each training, there are 5 or more associated criteria. And each registration is linked to an evaluation form to which each criterion is attached, which are rated on 5 stars at three points in time: "beginning of the training," "middle of the training," and "end of the training."

I need to send a form that groups all the evaluation forms of the session as a linked record. And then I need to be able to click on these evaluation forms and then on each criterion on which I can add a rating at the beginning, a rating in the middle, and a rating at the end (3 columns in the rating format).


I tried using fillout, but it seems it's not possible to update a linked record, which is very restrictive. I'm coming from miniextensions, and this problem was solved by them; I would like not to have 2 tools and to consolidate everything on one. Do you have any ideas or solutions?

14 Replies 14

It could clutter up the screen with too many records if this is the case.

For few records it could work well.

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Hi Raphael!

This is Cristian from the miniExtensions support team. Could you share a bit more about how you’d like to integrate your workflow? We may already have a solution on the platform, or your input could help us enhance our features to better meet your needs in the future!


Fillout was just updated this week, and the big news is that we can now edit/update linked records from a form!

Hope this helps! If you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld

Hi @ScottWorld,
fillout made some upgrades recently, but this one of edit/update linked records from a form i think it's not ned from this week. Or is it something new in this regard?

Yes, brand new update as of this week.