
use Airtable AI to analyze pictures and documents

Topic Labels: Automations Data Integrations
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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Dear community,

I am thinking about to turn on Airtable AI, but first I'd like to ask whether the Airtable AI has the power to do what I want.

A brief introduction of my base and what I want to achieve:

We provide logistics management for cruise vessels when they are in dry dock. We manage the complete supply chain and on site coordination. Building a detailed inventory of all items for the ship and keep track is one of our tasks. 

Now, we work with barcode tracking which means we have to assign a barcode to a record (primary field = barcode). This can be done by scanning the label (regret to say that, but the Airtable mobile app sucks!) , or manual input (risk of typos), or third party scanning integration. We also take photos of every single item (attachment field).

And here is what I want (primary goal):

  • AI should analyze the photo and search for a barcode label, then update the primary field accordingly.

So much more what I want, for e.g.:

  • AI should analyze the packing list (attachment field) for cargo description and update cargo description (text field) of the record.
  • AI could analyze a photo of a label attached to a pallet and retrieve the description. I did that successfully with ChatGPT. ChatGPT was able to recover text from very poor quality photos.


Can someone tell me if Airtable AI has the capability to achieve what I want? If not, maybe there is an alternative way to look for.

Thanks a million!




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