
Re: Zapier - Serach by Record ID (or RECORD_ID()) [ SOLVED ]

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Using Zapier, I am trying to lookup the “full name” field of a linked record by using the record id of that linked record. The record ID is the relevant record is returned by Zapier - so I should be home and hosed, right?

However, This post seems to suggest that I cannot serach by record id unless I first define a “record id” field in my linked table (using the formula RECORD_ID()).

This works

RECORD_ID()="<TriggerValue>(Step 1: Record Id)<TriggerValue>"

1 Reply 1
4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hey Alex (or anyone reading this),

Would you mind sharing where you inserted that equation in Zapier’s “Find Record” step? Having some trouble making it work.