Again running into issues with not having more granular control of User Permissions. Wondering if this is on the Roadmap and if so (Though I know you can’t say when) is it one of the higher priority items?
Having experience managing permissions in other systems, I agree with keeping it simple.
My use case: restrict the ability to approve an item (e.g., update the “approved” column on an expense request or vacation request) to a group (managers). Another: limit the ability of a group of users (say employees) to see a specific table (say salary data) while still allowing access to other related info (say, employee contact info).
A simple way to accomplish both of these is to put view/edit permissions on tabs. I could combine that with linked records and lookups to accomplish everything I need, with much less complexity than view/column permissions. Tabs could inherit permissions from the base, or have their own.
Adding my voice to requests for table-level permissions:
We have two categories of data that we use - call them “programming” and “operational”.
Programming data needs to be edited by lots of people and inaccuracy is not too bad of a problem. Operational data only needs to be edited by two people who know what they’re doing. Inaccuracy here is a business-breaking problem, so we can’t currently keep it under the same permissions as the Programming data.
Unfortunately the operational data contains some core entities that are relevant to almost everything in Programming world. This means that we need to maintain a second version of the operational data in the programming base - with all the attendant problems that brings.
If we were able to use airtable as the source of truth for our operational data, we would potentially never consider moving to a “Real” database. However this bifurcation means that we can only ever see airtable as a flexible interim solution until we can move to a classic relational database.
'+ 1 for this feature.
Role management (permission management) on tab/view level would help a lot!
You could use airtable for that :winking_face: #airtableception