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Auto-Wake Synced Bases if Destination Base in Use

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8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer
Status: New Ideas
What is the proposed idea/solution?

Currently, automations from bases don't activate if that base hasn't been used in a while, unless those bases have automations which are timed. 

This creates a problem if there are bases which have synced tables from other bases which haven't been used in a while, so the automations don't fire, even if the data syncs at regular intervals. This means that any data in those synced tables which might be modified by these automations aren't updated as they should be, as the automations aren't firing.

It makes sense to me that the bases which have tables synced to other bases should automatically 'wake' when their synced tables are synced to ensure any data in those synced tables is synced.

Currently, I use an automation on a timer to automatically wake the base, which is fine, but that also contributes to my automation limits, which is not ideal.

How does is solve the user problems?

This would prevent data which relies on automations to stay up-to-date does not get outdated because of a sleeping base.

How was this validated?

I have a table synced from another base which updates it's data every hours. This synced table goes out-of-date after a while even if the destination base has been regularly active.

Who is the target audience?

Probably business-enterprise users who rely on up-to-date data from synced tables.