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Direct image pasting onto attachment cell without additional dialogue

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I have a base that includes screenshots in an attachment field. It would save me significant time to be able to ctrl-V onto the attachment cell while the image is on my clipboard, without opening an additional attachments dialogue.

As of now I have to click the ‘+’ button, click to remove focus from main window, then ctrl-V, click upload, then wait for upload. A streamlined solution would save 3 clicks and perform uploading in the background. If the attachments are large waiting to upload prevents me from working on the table for significant time.

This was mentioned previously here but not directly addressed: Attachments: Ability to paste (cmd + v) a screen shot into the field from my clipboard.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Joining this threat to add my vote - my use case is literally taking 100’s of screens for needs/ requirements in a consulting firm and adding them to grids - to a cell, on an existing row or creating a new row.

I’ve used other grids where hovering the mouse over the cell ‘no click’ and CTR+C will paste an image in - Trello can do this for hovering over a kanban card, Asana (after a plugin added) can do the same etc

As task frequency goes up (and up!) these small [ :rocket: life] time savers are just, well timeless.

Using Clickup the last few months, there is no CTR+C for moving in their grid - they’ll learn as others achieve - Airtable though in just the last few weeks I’ve achieved a very large amount of work due to these simple functions - this one is doable I know - Airtable grids are so optimised though understand there must be some work here but please Airtable :crossed_fingers: :raised_hands: :pray:

Thanks above - Coda’s does worked well just tired - Notion no. Coda must still click on the cell but of course that’s still just 1 click and fast.

Great community here BTW sending thanks I see many consistent names in just a few days - Airtable damn I’m impressed - now just need to send emails ‘into’ a grid directly (as Trello, or all other mainstreams apps to a ‘page’ or workspace) and scale up complete.