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Grouping view of data

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I’ve been evaluating Airtable as well as Fieldbook. There’s a lot to like about Airtable - particularly the iOS apps, the ease of use, and the multiuser flexibility. There’s one Fieldbook feature that I’m really impressed by, though: in addition to sorting and filtering, you can also make views that group by a particular field. For example, if I have a table of articles that I’m tracking for a website launch, I can look at a filtered view of that table grouped by the value of some field. This is, I suppose, functionally the same as sorting by the value, but it’s a much more useful view of the data:


Any chance that grouping will be coming to Airtable anytime soon?

Airtable Alumni (Retired)

A feature with these functionalities is coming very soon! One of the reasons we haven’t yet released it is that, as with every one of our features, we wanted to thoroughly think through its design and behavior to be as functional and intuitive as possible.

If you have more questions about this upcoming feature, send me an email or a private message describing your use case and perhaps I can answer more specific questions about our planned implementation.

10 - Mercury
10 - Mercury

Very nice. Sounds great!

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

It looks like this feature has now been released with the new option on the grid view of “Group records” now showing. This is a very cool and useful tool. Thanks for implementing it as it replicates a real need for sub-total capability and analysis.

One thing that I did notice however, is that the grid view I created using this feature does not appear to work in the iOS/iPhone platform. When choosing this view, nothing happens. The view does not change at all from the previous selection.

Is that not supported yet on that platform? I did notice that the “Group records” option doesn’t show either (similar to “Hide fields”). Only sorting and filtering are available as options. Please advise and thanks so much!

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi Mark. That is correct, grouped records are not supported on iOS at this time. As a result, you may see a different row order between web and iOS when looking at the same grouped view. It’s on our roadmap to support grouped records on iOS.

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

So excited to see the new features. It is just in time as we are working on the updated version of the Destiny Search Project implementation and this will add some new functionality that we have not yet even considered.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Thanks for the quick update Matt. In the interim, would it be prudent to document this desktop only feature in this article?

Similarly, should the desktop only list also contain reference to the “Hide fields” feature as well as viewing in calendar, form or gallery view which are not supported in iOS currently? As you know, when trying to use those 3 views in iOS you get a notification to go to the desktop version.

Thanks again for the continued great work here.

Airtable Alumni (Retired)

Hi Mark, thanks for the heads up! I’ve gone ahead and amended the support article accordingly :slightly_smiling_face:

10 - Mercury
10 - Mercury

Thanks for the heads up & hard work!

10 - Mercury
10 - Mercury

Hey guys,

Just wanted to say I love the feature.
