I would like to request the ability to create if this then that like rules in a base. I like formulas but they can be hard to work with if your not a formula person and I would like to be able to change the state of one field based on the change of another.
So I would like to change a records fields based on other fields in the same record, but also be able to change a record in a table based on the change of different record(s) in another table.
- When a task changes to “Need Reviews” THEN change the collaborator field to “John”
- When a new record is added to the view “For evaluation” THEN remove the linked record “Implementation” AND add the linked record “For Evaluation”.
- When a record is marked with “problematic” THEN notify Hannah
- When a deadline is within 7 days AND the record hasn’t been updated for that last 7 days THEN change the field “Needs your attention” to checked AND notify me.
- When the field A, B, and C is empty THEN change the status to “Incomplete”
This would make sense for Airtable with their “build your own application” approach and mean that you could build great workflows.