My request for improving the URL field is three-fold:
- Hyperlinks: ability to clean up links and hyperlink them with the text you want to appear.
- Custom Icons/Favicons: ability to add custom thumbnails/icons/favicons based on where the URL points (document file type, website, blog, folder, social media accounts, video, etc.). It would be cool to have a uniform library to choose from like when setting up a base, as well as include popular sites, brands, file types.
- Multiples: Allow for multiple URL’s in a single field (if I’m tracking my client’s important URLs, it would be nice to include more than one (website, file repository, lead forms, product page, social media accounts, etc.).
Mainly these are for aesthetic purposes but it also improves/quickens visual identification. This would especially look good if being displayed in Gallery view, or if you add it to the Page Designer block.