I am working on a database for a client and have set up a jon table to cater for a many to many relationship (so that I have a record for each which can be actioned by Zapier as well as good database design). I have discovered that when trying to add a new link via one on the linking main tables (Clients) that if you pick a record that is existing and already joined to another Client that it allows it and results in more than one entry in the field (in which the Allow lining to multiple records in UNTICKED):

Could you:
- prevent this from happening
- do something about the process of adding a record from one of the main tables (not the join table) - currently when you click the + (add) button it gives you a list of records to add which is rubbish with a join table - what you want to do is actually add a new one - and you should therefore get the new record popup view.