
This Product Ideas board is currently undergoing updates, but please continue to submit your ideas.

More Advanced Forms

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Feature requests for Forms:

  • Default/hover (help) text in empty fields
  • Compact layout option
  • Multiple page option
  • Section collapse
  • Input table
  • Predefined options in drop-downs etc.

These would bring Airtable Forms on par with other providers, without the hassle of using Zapier connections.

What does everyone else think? Is there anything else you would like to see?


1 Comment
4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Its quite simple really. Most people look at wide monitors. Just make the forms wide enough to populate it with fields without having to scroll and scroll and scroll. The current fixed layout is good for monitors in the 70’s. I like airtable but there is definitely room to improve here.