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Multi Account Login Support on Desktop + Mobile

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hello @Airtable !

I use Airtable heavily for my personal organization as well as for my business organization (in two different accounts).

I often have situations where I need to open an Airtable link (especially on mobile) and find myself with a ‘would like like to request access to this base’ message when I already have access to the base through a different email/password login.

This forces me to log out of Airtable, log back in with my other account and then go find the original record/base link again to access the right information.

Being able to log into multiple Airtable accounts simultaneously (as I can with my google accounts, for example) and then choose which account I would like to open the link with would

  1. Save time finding the information I need
  2. Increase my ability to collaborate with different groups using Airtable

As I think about the future of Airtable and it’s widening popularity I can’t help but think this should be addressed by the Airtable!

Lots of love to the Airtable team - you’re all doing great work!


4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I completely agree! You all hear from me quite often for my AMCN work, but I also use AirTable for my personal life as well as independent film work. Please allow multiple email sign-in on iPads because I use three different accounts! Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I have a very similar use case, and supporting multiple logins would be phenomenal. Right now I have to switch accounts multiple times daily.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Yes, please allow multiple logins. I use Airtable at my main job and when my consultant recommended I use it for my side business I said "sure!" If I had know they couldn't coexist with multiple logins I would have said "no thank you!" So I'm at the point where I'm entrenched and will continue limping along this way, but I won't recommend you to others until you fix this glaring error. 

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Yeah it's about time you allowed this! Else Google will (continue to) eat your lunch


5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I am a consultant and I work with multiple organizations who often invite me to collaborate in their environments, I also have a few of my own totally independent businesses, and then a personal (free) account.  All the tools I use let me easily view/switch between personal/work/client environments, except for Airtable. This feature is really necessary as I don't see this working for me and frankly any work/personal mixed use if you can't access or at least easily switch between the two or more accounts.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I would love mutli account login and switching on the desktop version of Airtable.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Agreed!!!!! SOS!